Samuel found himself serving in the temple when he heard the Lord speaking and he answered, "Speak Lord thy servant heareth." Comparatively, Rev. Delton Fernander harkened to the voice of the Lord when He called him to lead a new, dynamic and transformed people called New Destiny, and like Samuel, Rev. Fernander followed God's chosen path.
After answering the call of the Lord, an extraordinary meeting was held in the conference room of the South Ocean Beach Club, Nassau, Bahamas on May 11th, 2002, with a group of dedicated and excited men. They were Fealy Demeritte (deceased), Norman Dean, Haverson McKenzie and Richard Munroe (deceased).This meeting marked the beginning of New Destiny Baptist Church.
The first service was held on Sunday May 12th, 2002, Mother's Day, at the British Colonial Hilton, #1 Bay Street, Nassau, Bahamas.
New Destiny exists to celebrate, and share God’s grace to the world. We
affirm six main functions as the means of so doing. Christ-centered
Worship, Biblical Instruction, Prayer, World Evangelization, Nurturing
Fellowship, and Caring Acts. With the goal of bringing people to faith in
Jesus and full fellowship in His family, maturing and equipping them for
lives devoted to worship, ministry and sharing the good news of Christ.
Helping one another to be personally committed in our hearts, to loving
and serving God as we submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and
leadership of our Under Shepherd.
Helping each person, through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, to find at
New Destiny a place of belonging, unity, family, encouragement, help,
spiritual growth and fulfilling Christian relationships.
Creating an environment in which personal devotions to God (e.g. prayer,
study, fasting) righteous living increase as part of the active faith of each
Sharing together in profound and genuine worship in an
atmosphere filled with praise to God and glory to Jesus
through the Holy Spirit.
Helping each member increase his/her knowledge and understanding of
God’s Word, the Bible, creating
opportunities to share insights with one another and
Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the people of
The Bahamas and the world, making disciples for Jesus
Ministering with encouragement and help to the spiritual,
physical, emotional, financial, and relational needs of one
another and the needy of The Bahamas and the world.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Head of the church and its only owner. Let no member think that long service or their spiritual gifting impart tenure in an office or control over any part of the ministry. No church rises above its prayer life; we will emphasize the practice of corporate and personal prayer.
We see ourselves, in part, as a support group for recovering sinners. We
purpose to nurture each other’s spiritual growth by encouraging one
another and holding each other accountable to his or her walk with Christ. Change and flexibility is essential to church growth, so we will regularly evaluate church ministries and programs. We commit ourselves to excellence in the Lord’s work. It is better to do a few things well than
many things poorly. Excellence is worth the price of time, money and
The Church is the Body of Christ. The Whole Church is the body, not just the Bishop and staff. Thus, we commit ourselves to helping members discover their spiritual gifts and mobilizing EVERY MEMBER in service for Jesus Christ. We view the Bishop and staff like coaches who equip the church for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Worship involves both joyful celebration and reverent contemplation. We will do both with our focus on Jesus Christ.